The Boss of an Eastern European Mafia Extradited to Face Charges in the US

Victor Zelinger -The Boss of an Eastern European Mafia Extradited to Face Charges in the US

Viktor Zelinger was the head of a highly organized criminal gang that engaged in a variety of actions often associated with organized crime, including extortion, arson, assault, drug trafficking, illicit gambling, loansharking, and wire fraud.

A brief history of the Yakuza in Japan

The Yakuza is a criminal organization that can be traced back to Japan’s feudal era. Over the years, they have evolved into a powerful and feared syndicate that engages in a variety of illegal activities.

The Mafia is launching phishing attacks and cyber fraud

The Mafia is launching phishing attacks and cyber fraud

The Mafia is well known for its uncanny ability to evolve and change its modus operandi to suit its environment. This is why it should not be surprising to hear that it is now involved in phishing attacks and cyber fraud